“Try to see your child as a seed that came in a packet without a label. Your job is to provide the right environment and nutrients and to pull the weeds.” 

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Our daily environment deeply shapes us. Learning can be natural and become a lifestyle that has a huge impact in the way children view education and success in life. When we give children freedom to grow and their curiosity is nurtured, their sense of self starts to deepen and take root, and their unique interests and learning styles can blossom.

Parents become like gardeners – checking in to see what amendments and fertilizer may be necessary and how much water is needed daily. You’ll discover many ways to nurture your child by simply observing — because YOU know them better than anyone.

Here you’ll find different philosophies, curricula, books, co-op ideas, and support to keep growing.



“I’ve come to Ashlee for advice on everything from healthy eating and overall holistic health to homeschooling and parenting. She is the most genuine woman who normalizes the struggles we all have and offers the encouragement to keep going, along with specific advice and recommendations to get you closer to your goals and vision for your life. A true confidant and woman of strength who has ‘been there done that and gotten the T-shirt.’ She has become one of the main influencers in my life.”

Tish H. • Las Vegas


For all of our favorite books and resources about finding harmony at home, check out the Green Grove Resource Guide
