Yoga at Home


I discovered the power of yoga when I was 16 years old. Not ‘power yoga’ (that was later), but the healing power of intentional movement, breath, and mental stillness. I didn’t understand the physiology of it all then, but I knew I had found something amazing based on how I felt after my first class.

It was a feeling of coming home, and there was no turning back.

24 years later, yoga continues to influence my life in big ways even though my physical practice rarely includes 90 minutes on the mat. Honestly, just 10 minutes a day can have huge benefits - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Practicing yoga regularly can:

  • improve your flexibility, strength, alignment, and mobility

  • reduce stress and systemic inflammation

  • provide deeper relaxation and better sleep

  • create more even energy and better moods

  • promote better self-care

  • influence food choices and other habits

  • positively affect your relationships and parenting

  • cultivate a deeper awareness inward

I would have taken a class at that first studio every day if I could, but location, time, and cost were prohibitive. Thankfully I found a VHS (yes, this was 1997!) while browsing a used bookstore that same summer. I made an effort to practice in the mornings before school. Not only did yoga help correct structural and muscular imbalances from my scoliosis, but it also allowed me to see firsthand how integrated our mind, body, and spirit truly are. It’s amazing how a couple of classes and a used VHS shaped my education path, career, and approach to life. I know the increased awareness from yoga positively influenced my 5 pregnancies and helped me feel more confident about homebirth because I was very in tune with my body and trusted birth. Yoga has also helped me parent and homeschool more mindfully. Exploring the benefits of yoga into your daily life is worth it!

Here are some of my first yoga VHS tapes (now on DVD thankfully - ha!). Yes, the production quality is a bit dated, but the instruction - timeless ;) And of course a few of the first yoga books I read. Books have always been my thing!

I’m so grateful for those initial yoga videos and books that kept me inspired when I wasn’t in a studio, but wow - the options today are endless. Quality yoga and movement instruction are incredibly accessible now. Whether you’ve been practicing for decades or have never done yoga in your life, you can find something affordable (even free!) to explore in your own home - saving so much time and money! Although practicing and learning in person is incredibly valuable, establishing the consistency of a home practice is really where the magic is!

Here are my favorite online resources:


  • Yoga with Adrienne

    She has a ton of free content. but also an app.

    Every January Adrienne launches a new free 30-day yoga journey. I highly recommend participating. Get on her email list or be sure to follow her channel. Look up older offerings: BREATH (2021), HOME (2020), DEDICATE (2019)

  • Yoga with Kassandra

    Her 30-day 10 minute Morning Yoga Movement is amazing! Perfect if you’re looking to add movement and yoga as a new daily habit. These mini flows are well balanced for how short they are and can be done any time of day! She also has a wonderful app if you don’t want the disruption from ads on YouTube.

Online Studios

  • Magareeshi

    Maggie is a dear friend of mine. We’ve known each other long before we had kids or were homeschooling mamas. Life has a funny way of reconnecting kindred spirits and I’ve LOVED being part of her community both in-person and online over the years. Start living brightly!

  • Heart and Bones Yoga

    Online yoga that's playful, loving, and inclusive. This is the perfect balance between the heart (all that you love about yoga) and the bones (all that amazing movement education).

  • Food for the Soul

    Yogi Nataraj and Sundari Dasi are dedicated to helping you heal naturally. Learn how a Yogic Diet, Ayurveda Detox, and daily routines with Yoga Asana, Meditation & Mudra practice will significantly improve your health and well-being.

Prenatal Program

  • One Strong Mama

    An all-in-one online program to rock your pregnancy, birth, and recovery. Every birth is different, but there is a tried and true way to stack the cards in your favor.


Kids Yoga

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga here or on Youtube.

It’s never too early or too late to start!
Check out more Movement Resources here.