Bye Bye UTI


In my early 20s, I had two UTIs in a relatively short period of time. Thankfully I was able to recover naturally without antibiotics (last solution whenever possible). Cranberry pills, uva ursi tincture, loads of water, fresh green juices, and rest did the trick, but man it was a PAIN. Seriously painful and inconvenient. I was determined to never get one again...or at least shorten the symptoms drastically.

In steps D-mannose. 

I learned that D-mannose is the natural sugar (related to glucose) and superhero component in cranberries. It’s actually found in a ton of fruits, but when concentrated and isolated by itself it’s basically a miracle disguised as a white powder. A really helpful white powder when ingested. It works by preventing bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. The bacteria (aka e.coli) in your bladder and ureters literally cling to it and you pee out those pesky trouble-makers! A couple of doses of D-mannose (start with 1/2 tsp mixed with water) and you’re like a new woman. Or man. Or child. It can be purchased in capsules or powder. I prefer the powder because it’s almost tasteless (just slightly sweet) and you can adjust the dosage more easily. The powder is an absolute must if you have kids! It’s so easy to administer, and without any crazy side effects. So you can put it in your toddler's water at mere suspicion that something isn't right. I’ve given it to my daughters when they’ve been swimming non-stop and hanging in their bathing suits all day...and then later mentioned their pee stings. One dose and they’re back to normal. You can continue with more doses of course though as needed. Even if it’s only needed once every couple of years it’s worth keeping in your natural medicine cabinet. With its long shelf life, you’ll be happy you have it on hand to nip things in the bud asap.

Because of D-mannonse I haven’t had anything develop beyond a slight twinge of ‘oh, crap...I feel a UTI coming on” the last 15+ years. I just mix a dose in water and repeat as necessary. Some people who are prone to UTIs even take a small amount daily or weekly as maintenance. 

Here are some other tips to prevent UTIs:

  • Drink lots of water. I recommend at least half your body weight in ounces.

  • Always wipe front to back.

  • If you’re sexually active, make sure to go pee right after sex. If you’re really prone to UTIs you may want to make sure you’ve showered before sex to help minimize any pesky bacteria.

  • Only wear cotton underwear to ensure better breathability.

  • Use (organic) tampons or a menstrual cup instead of pads. Read about my experience with cups here.

  • Don’t hang around in a wet bathing suit or damp towel. Change into dry clothes asap.

  • Be cautious of scented bubble baths, bath bombs, etc, and always rinse well. 95% of synthetic perfumes and fragrances are derived from petrochemicals. This exposure can be a problem to your urinary system, but also dangerous to your systemic health. Quality essential oils are a great alternative for scenting baths without the negative consequences! Read more about the Dangers of Synthetic Scents Include Cancer & Kidney Damage - Dr. Axe ( and here are Five 'Must-Knows' on the Dangers of Synthetic Fragrance | HuffPost


I hope you learned something new! I’m always interested in hearing what works for others - please share your challenges, questions, and tips below!