Favorite Podcasts for Kids

Multi-tasking as a whole has been shown to be ineffective. People who think they can split their attention between multiple tasks at once aren't actually getting more done. So I don’t recommend it...unless we’re talking about mindless household chores. You know, like the never-ending cooking, tidying, folding, and DISH WASHING… ;) Experimenting with mindfully engaging with these tasks as an act of gratitude and bringing stillness to our overactive mind is a great exercise too, but that’s another post.

As a mom of many, I’ve found that stacking these everyday household tasks with listening to something worthwhile can be so enriching and encouraging!! It’s seriously my guilty pleasure. But without too much guilt since I’m learning and growing. It’s almost as rejuvenating as having a coffee date with a friend in the middle of the day. Almost. Here are my personal favorites.

But since my kids aren’t usually interested in wellness, homeschool, and business tips, we've developed a repertoire they enjoy and I really love as well. We first got in the habit of listening to WOW in the World over breakfast a couple of times a week. It’s a quirky science show for kids from NPR. They actually just came out with a book this year too. It’s a huge hit with my kids!


We really felt the magic of podcasts once we started listening in the van. It transformed everyday errands and longer drives into something we could all get excited about (without arguing about music choices). We always listen on our way to meet friends for our nature days since we live in the heart of a big city and it takes us at least 20-30 minutes to get to most nature/hiking spots. And we often travel 1hr+ in the summer to retreat to the mountains and get out of the desert heat. These mini-road trips are our favorite! I think our nature days always feel like a huge success because we’re getting sunshine, fresh air, movement, time with our best friends, AND layering in passive enjoyable learning to mix things up. 

A triple quadruple W-I-N! 
Here are our family favorites:

WOW in the World

Kids get to join two hilarious hosts and journey inside our brains, out into space, and deep into the coolest new stories related to science, technology, and innovation.

Smash Boom Best

Guest debaters use facts and passion to make their case — teaching listeners how to defend their own opinions along the way. The debate topics are relatable and interesting to kids, and each episode is incredibly entertaining and educational for all ages.

The Past and the Curious

A fun, quirky history podcast where the little-known details about well-known people and events from history come to life. Plenty of music and humor to keep the whole family engaged!

Kid Nuz

”News to grow on” - a current event news podcast for kids! Their mission is to engage the next generation with news that will inform without fear and educate without opinion. Why? Because kids are curious, the world is fascinating and knowledge is power!

The Good Words Podcast

The Good Words Podcast is for kids and grown-ups to delight in hilarious, fascinating, wonderful words while we all learn together to use words better and use better words.

Wild Explorers Club

Adventure with Ranger Aubrey and friends as you learn through engaging outdoor tips, adventures, and corny jokes. The podcast is from Wild Explorers Club - a monthly online adventure program designed to ignite a heart for exploration and wonder in our kids.

Julie’s Library

Julie Andrews and her daughter, children’s author and educator Emma Walton Hamilton, invite you into their library to read their favorite children’s books. Every story comes to life with sound, music, and activities. Authors, kids, and other special guests chime in too!

Million Bazillion

A podcast about money for kids and their families with a mission to raise the economic intelligence of the country. The hosts and expert guests answer the awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes surprising questions that kids have about money!


New to podcasts?

You’ll want to choose an app to keep your subscriptions organized and explore new ones! Most apps and podcasts are free. I use a Google phone (android) and have used Castbox for years. There are many options to choose from. Here are a few popular options.

I love that you can adjust the settings to ensure the last few episodes are downloaded automatically to your device. This makes it easy to listen to while driving (especially in remote areas) without the need to use wifi or data!

Try listening over breakfast or lunch…in the car or in the bath…or while everyone’s hands are busy drawing or building. Have fun playing around with what works for your family! It may be the welcomed break you’re looking for or a spark to something new and surprisingly enriching.

I really appreciate how podcasts are a simple way to explore new ideas (without any clutter or commitment)! Remember:

“We don’t know what we don’t know”

Make space for new ideas and stay curious!
Please be sure to share any of your favorites below so we can check them out too!
