Natural Allergy Relief

No one wants to sit inside on the sidelines while it’s gorgeous out. It was especially hard for me to see my oldest daughter suffer when she was younger. She had such extreme reactions to pollen in the spring I almost took her to the ER once (and it takes A LOT for me to rush a kid to the doctor!). Her sclera was so inflamed it literally looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head! And she had a hard time breathing at night. Super scary.

I was determined to get a handle on it so she wouldn’t have to spend the whole month of March inside every year (yep, early spring here in the southwest). She was only 5 and 6 when she had these bad reactions. Thankfully learning about this homeopathic remedy was a game changer! We started it early the following year and that really made a difference. I started giving it to her about 4-6 weeks before symptoms would have usually started.

With such great success, I started mentioning Allergena to everyone. Friends also had great results! Here’s a post from a friend thanking me because her daughter didn’t have to take the medications and go to the doctor like usual that season!


Allergena has an adult version as well as specific zones based on your location and common allergens/pollen exposure. We’ve purchased through Amazon and at Sprouts Market.

My husband has found relief using essential oils too. Lemon oil is high in limonene which has been shown to support a healthy immune response in experimental research.* When ingested, Lavender is known for its calming and balancing effects while Peppermint supports clear breathing.* You can find these 3 oils in equal parts already in a handy softgel ready to go. DoTERRA calls it TriEase.


I also highly recommend looking into taking quercetin. Solaray has a supplement with quercetin, bromelain, and vitamin C together called QBC. This can help support healthy immune function, sinus health, and respiration.

Speaking of breathing, we love keeping the doTERRA Breathe stick handy. Helps open up the airways and allows us to breathe more easily. Great for nighttime and anytime you have more congestion.


Another thing to consider is trying to reduce histamines through diet. Adding nettles (freeze-dried nettle in capsules or by brewing tea) and addressing gut health (adding probiotic foods like real sauerkraut) can really help your body’s overall load.
Using a neti pot or using a saline spray can also be worth a try!

Wishing you a season of fewer headaches, sneezing, and itching eyes :)

If you need help exploring options or want personal guidance, please send me a message on the contact page or click here.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.