Mom's Non-Fiction Book Club 2022


Calling all non-fiction junkies!
Here are the next 6 books on my list...who wants to read along?
You don't have to commit to all of the books of course, but definitely join in and read what interests you so we can discuss highlights and process info together!


Choose the best way to connect and discuss!

Click the book club button below and you’ll be sent the link(s) and details.

~ WhatsApp, Zoom, or Mom’s Night out if you’re in Las Vegas ~

FEBRUARY - Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans
I found a copy at my library! It's also included on Scribd if you're wanting to listen to the audio! Here’s a link for 60 days of listening for free!

MARCH + APRIL - Raising Critical Thinkers: A Parent's Guide to Growing Wise Kids in the Digital Age
Book club meeting with Julie, the author, on April 20th @ 2pm PST! Mark your calendars and join the book club above for the zoom link.

MAY - The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again
Catherine Price, the author of How to Break Up with Your Phone, makes the case that having fun is actually critical to our well-being and shows us how to have more of it.

JUNE - Adventuring Together: How to Create Connections and Make Lasting Memories with Your Kids
This has been on my list since last year after listening to her as a guest on the Wild + Free podcast.

JULY - Screen Kids: 5 Relational Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World
Gary Chapman is the #1 bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages series - a great tool for building stronger relationships. This title seems timely for everyone after the last 2 years!

AUGUST - Happy Days: The Guided Path from Trauma to Profound Freedom and Inner Peace
Another new release I've had on pre-order. Release date: 2/22/2022

As the year progresses we’ll choose the next round of books!
Is there any non-fiction on your TBR list that you want to recommend?

Comment below or mention your ideas when we connect next.

Check out my favorite non-fiction reads from years past here.