Lost Creek - Children's Discovery Trail

Waterfalls are always the best surprise on a hike. It can also provide the extra motivation needed for little ones to keep going ;) The first time on this trail we saw a small trickle, but this time (2 years later, same month) it was much colder and had recently rained quite a bit. The waterfall was not only larger but partially frozen. So awesome to see so many icicles here in the desert!

The creek was also frozen so the kids enjoyed some “ice skating” too - definitely an unusual treat for all of us!


How to get there:

Lost Creek is inside the Red Rock Canyon Loop. Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is approximately 198,000 acres and located 17 miles west of the Las Vegas Strip on Charleston Boulevard/State Route 159. Inside the scenic loop there are 12 different trailheads with parking lots. The 13 mile loop is one-way with over 21 different trails to choose from! To enter the scenic loop you’ll need to enter at the fee station. You can reserve your timed entry here (highly recommended during the weekend or peak visiting seasons).
The turn off for Lost Creek is just after mile 7 on Rocky Gap Rd.


Lost Creek to Children’s Discovery Trail loop is just under 1 mile. There are Petrophyhs to explore and other short trails in the area too. We love driving up Rocky Gap Rd a bit to Willow Springs picnic area for lunch. There are lots of picnic benches and rocks for older kids to climb and scramble as well.

Do you have a 4th Grader?

Print out your free national park pass here!

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